Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mommy's More than Ready


Mindy said...

Kerri - look at that belly!!! You are sooo beautiful! I can't wait to hear when baby Nelson arrives...the countdown is on!

Go pamper yourself!!!

Miss you


Unknown said...

Kerri, you are looking more than ready. your face says it all. Hopefully baby won't hold out much longer.

Great Aunt Rita Rae said...

Only one more day! I voted for tomorrow as the arrival day so his birthday would be 6 months from mine -- easy to remember -- like your and Chad's birthdays!! I think of you every day -- throughout the day! Get some rest! Love, Aunt Rita

Amy said...

Hi Kerri,

Mindy gave me your blog site. Hope you don't mind. By the way congratulations!! You look so cute. I love the Nursery, so beautiful. Hang in there, I know what it is like the last final days. It isn't easy. Hope everything goes well with the delivery. By the way, I am also pregnant with Baby #2. We found out today that we are having another girl. My due date is September 19th, so I still have a ways to go.

Good Luck!!

Unknown said...


Congratulation on the new baby. Hope everything is going well.


Great Aunt Rita Rae said...

Can't wait to see pictures of Logan!!

Born: April 24, 2008 2:10AM Weight: 8lbs 9ozs Length: 19 3/4 Inches